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Global Links

Global Links

Healthcare websites The Official Coronavirus Portal in Morocco Sehati Ministry of Health Hayat Santé World Health Organization Educational websites Portail Etudiant TICE 9rayti …

Africa50 Guide to Wellbeing and remote working

1. Staying home is for your safety A - Work mindfully in the era of coronavirus Being confined under a state of emergency to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus should not make you panic. You…

Cookies & Privacy Policy

1. Application This privacy policy relates to How we handle information received or collected about you as an individual through the Website, How we communicate with you as an…

Accessibility Statement

We believe in making the Africa50 web site's information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and accessible as possible so you can…

Our Company

About Africa50 As part of the 2012 Declaration on the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA), African heads of states called for innovative solutions to accelerate the delivery of…

Investor Information

Investor Information

Africa50 greatly values its investors, from government shareholders and the African Development Bank, to institutional and private investors. You are the enablers that allow us to accomplish our…