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Projects & Investments

Projects & Investments

Explore Projects Investments Click on the map to explore our recent projects …

The Republic of Gabon and Africa50 sign a framework agreement for the development and financing of transmission lines

The Republic of Gabon and Africa50 sign a framework agreement for the development and financing of transmission lines

The Republic of Gabon and Africa50 sign a framework agreement for the development and financing of transmission lines Abidjan, June 7, 2023 – Africa50 announced the signing of a Memorandum of…

Hiteshi Gupta

 Hiteshi Gupta

Hiteshi Gupta

Demba Diallo

 Demba Diallo

Demba Diallo Demba Diallo has over 20 years of experience in the infrastructure investment space. He is the immediate former CEO of Senegalese Sovereign Wealth Fund FONSIS, having served previously…

Africa50 Impact Series launches soon

Africa50 Impact Series launches soon

Africa50 Impact Series launches soon Africa50 is launching an exciting new video campaign called the Africa50 Impact Series.  The objective of the video series is to highlight…

Our Partners

Partners in ongoing Projects Partners Institutions Platforms and Affiliations

Infra for Africa Forum & General Shareholders Meeting

Infra for Africa Forum & General Shareholders Meeting

Infra for Africa Forum & General Shareholders Meeting 3 & 4 July, Lomé, Togo

Infra for Africa Forum & General Shareholders Meeting

Infra for Africa Forum & General Shareholders Meeting

Infra for Africa Forum & General Shareholders Meeting 3 & 4 July 2023, Lomé, Togo

Africa50 and BOAD, the West African Development Bank, partner to develop and co-finance green infrastructure in Africa

Africa50 and BOAD, the West African Development Bank, partner to develop and co-finance green infrastructure in Africa

Africa50 and BOAD, the West African Development Bank, partner to develop and co-finance green infrastructure in Africa Sharm El Sheikh, 25 May 2023 – The Chief Executive Officer of…

Africa50 and Bayobab in partnership to develop pan-African terrestrial fibre

Africa50 and Bayobab in partnership to develop pan-African terrestrial fibre

Africa50 and Bayobab in partnership to develop pan-African terrestrial fibre Project East2West partnership will: Help bridge Africa’s connectivity gap by improving broadband access for landlocked…